Check out our podcast!

New Episodes every Monday through June 2021.

Season Six begins October 2023.


In 2020 at the height of the global pandemic, we created Season One of The Wheelhouse and published it directly to teachers and leaders in our client districts to support their efforts in delivering robust and superior online instruction.  We’re now really excited to bring this new extension of the Students Matter Online Academy to a wider audience to support educators as they continue on their path to best meet the needs of each student. 

Our work at Students Matter is grounded in a District Infrastructure called Fair Winds and we use a nautical theme to visualize that infrastructure.  In creating this podcast, we are extending the use of that nautical theme. A wheelhouse is exactly what it sounds like: the little “house” on a ship where the captain stands, and where the ship’s wheel use to be located and where today high-tech navigational equipment are located.

In the 1980s, 'wheelhouse' started being used to describe a person's areas of expertise.

Today, it still means, an area or field in which a person excels. Thus, you could say that cooking is in my wheelhouse or raising dogs to be therapy animals is in my wheelhouse.

 The Wheelhouse is dedicated to you.  Its goal is to provide you with short, practical tips and tools you can use right now to enhance your leadership or your instruction and to add these additional tools to your own wheelhouse. 

Beginning with Season Four (4), The Wheelhouse has been a roundtable conversation with two of my favorite educators, Kathy Mohney and Penny Brockway, as we explore all things Accomplishment-Driven Leadership. Season Six begins in Fall 2023. Take a listen!