graphic for the learning together academy

Changing the way we support teachers and leaders.

Seminar - Team - Performance


Impactful Professional Learning

At Students Matter, we believe that professional learning must be authentic, well crafted, and designed to enhance adult capacity in ways that are always aligned to student need. We created The Learning Together Framework to serve as our foundation for all of our work in providing job embedded learning and support for teachers and leaders. We know this begins with highly engaging, robust seminar learning. Whether that’s in the traditional classroom environment, or in our online academy, well crafted, well designed, highly engaging learning begins the process. But “begin” is the key word. We know that if it ends here, very little will be retained and very little will impact what we do in whatever our role is in the district.

Thus, our goal must be to use seminar learning in powerful ways that help us change and improve practice. We call that performance learning and it’s the primary driver for learning retention. Our courses support teachers and leaders in not only thinking about their learning, but we develop opportunities for every learner to demonstrate these new learned competencies or skills in ways that are aligned to the rubrics we provide. Thus district leaders are able to measure the sustained impact of our professional learning services over time.

Finally, our learning framework also focuses on team learning or identifying as needed support to ensure that our adult learners don’t shy away from performance learning because they don’t have the support they need when they need it.

Our courses in the Learning Together Academy are a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. We use audio, video, discussion, assessments, reflective thinking, and performance learning demonstrations to empower our participants to grow and enhance their skills to meet the ever-changing needs of their own students. We connect one-on-one with each learner providing feedback, extending thinking, and engaging in the conversations and responses to assignments needed to understand deeply and to think about changes in practice.

Check out our inventory of available course listings

The Learning Together Inventory of Available Courses

Click on the “Learn More” button to obtain a complete course catalogue or to inquire about an individual, building, or district subscription to the academy. We look forward to working with you in your effort to support each student each day.